Sometimes things may not be as we planned and something might slip through. If you receive a product with a problem or we have sent you an order mistakenly, sent it back to us and we are happy to return exchange or refund it within 30 days of your purchase.
To proceed with a return, you must begin by sending us an email to [email protected]
Please include the below :
Once you send us your email, our team will verify and if you are eligible, we will email you a prepaid return slip to you.
If you are not sure if your product applies to be returned, contact us and we will reply you with assistance.
Shipping charges are non-refundable in case of returns.
The return shipping isn’t covered.
You can either return it by the Standard Shipping or Express shipping.
Please do provide us the waybill so our team can track it and solve the matter the soonest.
Customer is responsible for shipping charges when making returns and shipping.
We can refund to your original form of payment or if you we can exchange with another product from Bg Berlin.
We will issue your refund as soon as we receive the product and we inspected
A refund process will take between 5-8 business days.
We do not offer refunds to anyone than the original purchaser.
We are happy to assist you with an exchange request within 30 days.
Email us at [email protected].
Keep in mind the product must be returned as originally packed and condition.